
与二叉堆类似,但d叉堆(d-ary heap)是每个非叶结点可有d个儿子。



  • 以0为根结点,对某结点 \(i\) ,其父结点为 \(\lfloor \frac{i-1}{d} \rfloor\) ,其d个子结点范围为 \([ (di+1), (di+d) ]\)

  • 包含n个元素的d叉堆的高度:\(h=\Theta(log_d(n))\). 证明如下:

\[\mbox{assume the height of d-ary heap with } n \mbox{ elements as } h \mbox{ , then} \\ \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} n \ge d^{0} + d^{1} + d^{2} + \cdots + d^{h-1} + 1 \\ n \le d^{0} + d^{1} + d^{2} + \cdots + d^{h} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} \\ \Rightarrow log_{d}( n(d-1) + 1 ) - 1 \le h \le lod_{d}((n-1)(d-1) + 1) \\ \Rightarrow log_{d}(n(d-1)+1) - 1 \le h \le log_{d}(n(d-1) -d + 2) \\ \Rightarrow h = \lceil log_{d}(n(d-1)+1) - 1 \rceil \\ \Rightarrow h = \Theta(log_{d}(n))\]
  • 非叶子节点的最大下标 \(x = \lceil \frac{n-1}{d} \rceil\), 证明如下:
\[\mbox{set the maximum os subscript as } x \mbox{ , then} \\ x = d^{0} + d^{1} + d^{2} + \cdots + d^{h-1} \\ \mbox{also, } log_{d}(n(d-1)+1) - 1 \le h \le log_{d}(n(d-1) -d + 2) \\ \mbox{therefore, } \frac{n-1}{d} \le x \le n - 1 \\ \Rightarrow x = \lceil \frac{n-1}{d} \rceil\]
  • 一d叉堆中,根节点的一个子树最多有 \(x=\frac{dn-1}{2d-1}\) 个结点
\[\mbox{as the whole leaf nodes are the child nodes of one of the specific child node} \\ \mbox{assume the numbers of all the nodes and all the specific sub-heap nodes are separately } n, x \mbox{ , then} \\ \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} n = d^{0} + d^{1} + d^{2} + \cdots + d^{h-1} + d^{h-1} \\ x = d^{0} + d^{2} + d^{3} + \cdots + d^{h-2} + d^{h-1} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} \\ \Rightarrow x = \frac{dn-1}{2d-1}\]



struct heap {
    int size;   // the number of heap elements
    int cap; // array length
    ElementType *elements;

typedef struct heap *Heap;


适用范围:某结点 \(i\) 的子结点满足堆序性,使含 \(i\) 也满足堆序性。

方法为在结点 \(i\) 及其子结点中寻找到最大的值。如果 \(i\) 即最大值,则整个堆满足堆序性,任务完成。

若其中一个子结点比 \(i\) 大,则交换二者的值,此时该子堆的顶为最大,而交换后的那个子结点可能不满足堆序性,故递归操作,直至整个堆都满足堆序性。

void MakeHeapify(Heap heap, int i) {
    int child, largest = i;

    for (int j = 0; j < d; ++j) {
        child = d * i + 1 + j;
        if ((child < heap->size) && (heap->elements[child] > heap->elements[largest])) {
            largest = child;

    // it means the ith element is the largest,
    // so the heap satisfies the heap order
    if (largest == i) {

    // exchange the elements between the ith and the largest
    ElementType temp = heap->elements[i];
    heap->elements[i] = heap->elements[largest];
    heap->elements[largest] = temp;

    MakeHeapify(heap, largest);


获取节点 \(i\) 及其所有子结点的最大值时,时间复杂度为 \(\Theta(d)\)

判断递归出口,时间复杂度为 \(\Theta(1)\)

在递归过程中,\(i\) 的一个子树最多可以获得 \(\frac{dn-1}{2d-1}\) 个结点。


\[\begin{equation} T(n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \Theta(1) & n = 1 \\ T(\frac{dn-1}{2d-1}n) + \Theta(d) & n \ge 2 \end{array} \right. \end{equation} \\ \mbox{as Master Theorem} \\ T(n) = \Theta(d \cdot log_{d}(n))\]


非叶结点最大下标为: \(x=\lceil \frac{n-1}{d} \rceil\), 即当下标 \(i > \lceil \frac{n-1}{d} \rceil\),则均为叶结点。而叶结点为高为0的堆,满足堆序性。故从 \(i \ from \ \lceil \frac{n-1}{d} \rceil \ down \ to \ 0\),每一结点使其满足堆序性。则整个数组最后满足堆序性,为一最大堆。


Heap ConvertArrayToHeap(const ElementType ele[], int n) {
    Heap heap = (Heap) malloc(sizeof(struct heap));
    if (heap == NULL) {
        printf("malloc error! out of space");
        return NULL;
    heap->size = n;
    heap->cap = n;

    ElementType *elements = (ElementType *) malloc(sizeof(ElementType) * n);
    if (elements == NULL) {
        printf("malloc error! out of space");
        return NULL;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        elements[i] = ele[i];
    heap->elements = elements;

    for (int i = (n - 1 + d) / d; i >= 0; --i) {
        MakeHeapify(heap, i);

    return heap;

该函数的最差情况下的时间复杂度: \(T(n) = \Theta(n \cdot log_{d}(n) )\)



ElementType ExtractMax(Heap heap) {
    if(heap == NULL || heap->elements == NULL){
        printf("heap or elements is nil!");
        return INF;
    ElementType max = heap->elements[0];

    heap->elements[0] = heap->elements[--heap->size];

    MakeHeapify(heap, 0);

    return max;

该函数的最差情况下的时间复杂度: \(T(n) = \Theta( d \cdot log_{d}(n) )\)



此时如果该元素 \(i\) 小于其父节点 \(p\),则该堆满足堆序性,插入完成。

如果大于,则交换该结点与 \(p\),此时该子堆满足堆序性。但是交换后的i的父结点可能不满足堆序性,故递归操作,直至整个堆满足堆序性。

此过程称上滤(percolate up)


int Insert(Heap heap, ElementType ele) {
    if (heap->size == heap->cap) {
        printf("the heap is full!");
        return 1;

    int child = heap->size, parent = (child - 1) / d;

    heap->elements[heap->size++] = ele;

    while (child > 0 && (ele > heap->elements[parent])) {
        heap->elements[child] = heap->elements[parent];

        child = parent;
        parent = (child - 1) / d;

    heap->elements[child] = ele;

    return 0;

此过程最差情况下的时间复杂度为: \(T(n) = \Theta( log_{d}(n) )\)
